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Gas mask Replacement Filter


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SKU: d9033e1fe2e2 Category:
The gas mask replacement filter is approved by U.S. NIOSH Labs - Approval# TC-8A-383A. It is a 40mm sealed NATO standard filter that directly purifies the gas mask users oxygen by productively circulating clean air through the filter which is then safely and securely supplied to the user. The NATO filter properly operates with a peripheral sealing lip that is intended to provide superior protection against nuclear, biological, and chemical agents. The replacement filter can also be connected an appropriate gas mask air supply unit  to additionally help supply clean air through the 40mm filters making it easier for the user to breath, and avoid being exposed to airborne pollutants. NATO filters and air supply units help the airflow when breathing in any type of chemically exposed air; it also maintains positive pressure within all civilian nuclear, biological, and chemical protective systems. The replacement filter can also  be connected with a gas mask hose to create a securer purification system. Although the gas mask replacement filter  can be connected with other gas masks, hoses, and air blowers these items are sold separately.
    • Compatible with the Israeli gas masks, and other chemical protective gear such as the Bardas or the Shmartaf to the M-15 and others.
    • Filters has been tested to comply with Military specifications.
    • Manufacturers state that this filter has been passed gas-life tests (cyanogens chloride, DMMP, chloropicrin, phosgene, HCN) on charcoal samples from each drum and on completed canisters sampled from each production lot.