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One of the newest fads in the camping industry is actually a spin off from the newest methodologies of management in the business world, that of LEAN enterprises. While many people believe that the LEAN enterprise mindset is one of doing more with less, they often miss the forest for the trees aspect of LEAN, which is actually a philosophy of doing more with less waste. And the truth is that the exclusion of one word in a phrase can speak volumes in the form of missed opportunities. Take the example of hammocks for camping. The idea wasn’t to get rid of the tent as an icon of the camping experience, but rather to expand upon the concept of a tent and to take the tent to a new depth and breadth of having a home away from home. The truth of the matter is that with the extra space of the tent, which is not utilized, comes extra waste as well. Here are three reasons why:

  1. Most modern campers are opting for the light and move quickly aspect of camping. Things such as the hiking of the Appalachian Trail, and other camping and tent adventures bring the need to travel light and to be quick on your feet. Even if for nothing else than the wear the weight difference saves on your back, the hammock over the tent makes sense.
  2. The comfort that you gain from sleeping suspended in air as opposed to having to deal with the heat sapping, bumpy ground under the floor of the tent is second to none. Let alone the fact that this relieves the need for a ground cloth, severe weather sleeping bag, (which can be built right into the hammock), and repair kits for holes made while wallowing the floor of the tent.
  3. No need for supports. These things rely on already existing supports to offer the stability that they need to give you shelter. This does not have to be trees, supports can be rock faces, buildings, etc… might not be viable in Kansas, but these should do great anywhere else.
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